
Jama’athe Islami in Kerala: Formation and the Early Periods

Jama’athe Islami Kerala was established By V P Muhammad Ali, who was known as Haji Sahib.

Haji Sahib first heard about Abul A’ala Moududi from his Ustad Sheikh Ismail during his studies in Umarabad.

Later, When he was serving as a teacher in A Madrasa at Pazhayangadi, Haji sahib started reading Tharjumanul Quran published by Moududi Sahab, which eventually led him to engage with Moududi’s thoughts. Abul A’ala Moududi was a religious scholar who served as the editor of the Thanrjumanul Quran.

Impressed by Tharjuman, that satisfactorily answered many of the questions that had been troubling him for long, Haji Sahib entered into several correspondences with Imam Maududi. Then, he further learned about Jama’athe Islami closely.

Haji Sahib became a member of Jama’athe Islami in 1941, the same year Jama’ath was founded. Desperate to meet Moududi Sahab and learn more, Haji Sahib started his journey to Pathankot, Moududi’s headquarters.

By the end of his adventurous journey, Haji Sahib reached Delhi and met Moududi Sahib during his visit to Jamia Millia. Moulana quickly recognized Haji Sahib, who was well known for him through the correspondence; then he invited Haji Sahib to Pathankot, Punjab. The relationship that they developed through correspondence was strong enough that when Haji sahib said he was from Kerala, Moulana was easily able to ask, ‘Aap Muhammad Ali Hai.’

Haji Sahib soon went to Pathankot and lived their for two years. From there, he translated Moududi Sahib’s ‘Islam Matham’ and ‘Rakshasarani’ into Malayalam.

Later, Haji Sahib returned to Kerala and formed an independent organization in 1944 named Jama’athul Mustarshideen.

Around forty people were associated with Jama’athul Mustarshideen. Haji Sahib introduced Jama’athe Islami to them. This was the period in which he published the earlier translations in Malayalam. Islamic Publishing House published its first book ‘Islam Matham’ in 1945. Soon after that, ‘Rakshasarani’ was also published. At the time, the headquarters of IPH was a tiny wooden box placed in the narrow room of the small Masjid in Irimpiliyam, where Haji Sahib conducted the Khutbah.

The Jama’athul Mustarshideen meeting held at the house of P. Marakkar Sahib in Valancherry decided to convert the organization to Jama’athe Islami. Fifteen people participated in that meeting.

Jama’athe Islami Kerala was established in January 1948. The Kerala unit elected Haji Sahib as the first Ameer.

The first conference of Jama’ath members was held at Calicut on 21st August 1948. The conference decided to establish the publication of the ‘Prabodhanam’ opposition journal. The conference also elected a twelve-member state consultative committee (Shura) as well.

It was the period of the India-Pakistan partition. Jama’athe Islami Kerala made efforts to make Muslims responsible in social and political life. Its early activities were focused on Islamic admonition and community edification. Haji sahib led Jama’athe Islami Kerala until he dies at 1959.