Solidarity Youth Movement

Solidarity Youth Movement is a continuum of the proud legacy of Kerala Muslims, where their faith and its principles inspired revolution, poetry, resistance, and culture. Solidarity carries on this celebration of resistance and revolution. Solidarity is the story of how the community embarked on a journey of confidence and self-esteem to discover a self that is not in shock cut off from its past, and humiliated by being exposed to contempt, demonization, and Islamophobia. True to the tenets of its faith, Solidarity’s solutions to problems and needs, unmet by successive right and left governments, challenge in a fundamental way popular thinking about politics, economics, and the principles around which society is organized. Solidarity is an idea that recognizes the search for social liberation from all power organized as inequality, discrimination, exploitation, and domination and charting a decolonial future and, in essence, rediscovering and trying to put into praxis a theology of Islamic liberation.

Ever since its inception and with activities and branches throughout Kerala, Solidarity has been successful in mobilizing and bringing to the forefront issues ranging from sustainable development and ecological activism to state terrorism, unlawful detention, profiling, racialization, fascism, and Sangh Parivar hegemony and Islamophobia. Solidarity’s guiding philosophy and its activities transcend all barriers of faith, language, caste, and creed and, in doing so, have become a significant force in the social fabric of Kerala.
